Leather Briefcase (Covert Edition)


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Picture of Leather Briefcase (Covert Edition)


Picture of Design
Picture of Dye, Mark, and cut

Step 4: Make the Handle

Picture of Make the Handle
At this point you can line the back, bottom and sides of your bag.  I usually wait to line the front so I can get everything fitting perfectly to add the tuck catches to close the bag.  It's not necessary to line the bag if you don't want to.  You can also do a cloth liner but I don't like to because it usually wears out in a year or two.

Step 9: Attach back, bottom and sides

Picture of Attach back, bottom and sides
Picture of Add tuck catches
Picture of Attach front and stitch

Step 12: Make false bottom

Picture of Make false bottom
Picture of Make your strap

Step 14: Finish!

Now all you have to do is put a finish on your bag.  I sometimes use neat's foot oil, mink oil or you can just use a high quality neutral shoe wax.  It's just like waxing your car.  Put a small amount on to a clean lint free rag and rub it in.  Let it dry for a few minutes and buff it off with another clean rag.  Don't leave it on too long